Five Ways To Make Your Farm More Profitable
Even banks can come up with good ideas for diversifying your Dexter cattle farm. Check these out!
Photographing Livestock - Q & A's from a pro
How are you at taking professional quality photos of your Dexter's? Here are some professional tips!
Farming Success: Joel Salatin’s Top 10 Markers
Whether you are just thinking about starting any kind (or size) of farm enterprise, or have been doing it for years,
this is a MUST read!
A positive impression can make you money
Every time you show or exhibit your Dexters, even if you never leave your farm, is an opportunity to make an impression- good or bad.
6 Ways successful people make a good first impression in only 7 seconds
Think you have ten minutes to make a first impression? Think again.
You have only 7 seconds to make it or break it.