Critical Temperatures
Critical temperature for any cow or calf will vary according to hair coat, moisture conditions, age, size of animal, fatness...
Cold Stress
Add wind, rain or both to that already cold temperature… now we have what is referred to as “cold stress”
How a New Diet for Gassy Cows is Helping the Environment
So some farmers in Colombia have been piloting a different way of raising cows that has proved better for the environment.
Travel Fever - Fatal Outcome of a Long Transport
"Travel fever." Who is the most vulnerable? What are the symptoms and how to prevent?
Surprising Natural Cures for the Top 10 Cattle Ailments
How to prevent, and treat many cattle ailments using herbs and vitamins
How to Haul Long Distances and Keep Your Cattle Healthy
Bought a Dexter from out of state or hauling to a show? Tips from a show cattle pro.