We advertise the attributes of Dexters and where to find 'em of course...
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Where we are currently advertising
Graze Magazine
Reaches a targeted audience of farmers with practical information about livestock agriculture and managed grazing to conventional, organic and grass-fed producers
Small Farmers Journal Magazine
Small Farmers Journal, founded in 1976, is an award winning, international agrarian quarterly with 40 plus years of print history. The publication is dedicated to the preservation and support of small-scale agricultural pursuits and family farms.
Small Farmers Journal.com Online ad. Runs contiguous to print ad.
Backwoods Home Magazine
Backwoods Home Magazine (BHM) is a print magazine published in Corvallis, Oregon and is made for people who have a desire to pursue a self-reliant lifestyle. As a quarterly 116-page homesteading magazine, BHM has seasonal articles on building, gardening, canning, cooking, alternative energy, livestock, foraging, and preparedness. Print subscribers: 70,000, Kindle Subscribers: 5,500, Newsstand copies sold: 2,500